Secondtruth Blog Archives
If Comp 2011: The Binary
I actually played this yesterday, but I had to sleep on it because I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. My initial impression was kind of lukewarm, but, when I started playing a little I realized that this game had plenty of elements that were really up my alley. In spite of that, however,…
IF Comp 2011: Taco Fiction
I see what you’re doing here, Taco Fiction. By having the protagonist shake a lot with uncertainty, wibbling to himself every time he has to pull out his unloaded gun, you’re trying to tell me that he is not, in fact, a complete douchebag, just a desperate guy who is down on his luck and…
IF Comp 2011: Dead Hotel
Spoilers, in the form of screenshots. … huh. Really? Oops, I died. So let’s try that again. Right then. Oh, I found a gun. So, um… Great! Sure. That fat bastard!! Awesome. There must be some hidden depth to this, some clever bit that I am too dumb or drunk to understand. I guess that…
IF Comp 2011: Operation Extraction
So, I figured since I started on the bottom of the games list with the web-only games, I may as well continue that trend and work my way up from there. This particular game then comes up next on the list. At the very top it says there were no beta testers for it, which…
IF Comp 2011: The Play
The first game I played was Deirdra Kiai’s The Play. My review of this one will be short and spoiler-free for a few reasons: It’s hard to top the depth of Emily Short’s review and the discussion that takes place there about the game thematically (though that will spoil) I already know I like the author and…
Time again for IF!
As I mentioned on Tap-Repeatedly, the Interactive Fiction competition has started up again. I’ll post some (probably short, given my other commitments, but who knows) impressions of the new games here, like I did two years ago when I judged. Stay tuned!
City of Heroes Freedom Preview
Today on Tap I wrote too many words about City of Heroes Freedom. Probably not as contemplative as many other things I’ve written, just a taste of a game that’s kept me occupied for a surprisingly long time. Edited just to add: I should probably mention I do spoil the end of an early in…
Speak Out With Your Geek Out – On Being a Grown-Up Geek
This week, bloggers all over the internet were encouraged to write blog posts about their geeky hobbies and interests, in a movement called “Speak Out With Your Geek Out.” I wanted to participate, but of course I write about something geeky every time I write. I could have, in theory, written a new entry every…
I’m a Contributor at Tap-Repeatedly
So after my guest editorial at Tap-Repeatedly, I was invited to come back and do more frequent contributions on the site. This is fun for me, because Tap has a great community of people who are super cool! That is not to say I won’t post stuff here too, but any longer editorials or…
Assorted Thoughts While Playing The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
I would’ve bought this sooner if Nintendo had dropped it to twenty bucks sooner. I don’t have “Wiimote Plus,” though, so I may have to spring for the Gold Edition of Skyward if I get it. Anyway, Twilight Princess. …It’s kind of Furry, isn’t it? With the “Blue-eyed Beast” pet name, and howling instead of…
Got any book recommendations?