Secondtruth Blog Archives
IF Comp 2009: Rover’s Day Out
Just to make sure I’ve posted on all the games I have played so far. Rover’s Day Out: So far this is my favorite game I have played in the comp. The morning routine part starts out a little monotonous but I think it’s important to establish this routine so you can still perform it…
IF Comp 2009: Eruption
No spoilers in this review! This is a game about a volcano, which is evident enough from the cover and the game. It’s an easy and kinda boring game. Is that a spoiler? I guess it would be an okay game for someone who had never played a text adventure before, since it’s not buggy…
IF Comp 2009: Byzantine Perspective
My psuedo-random game choice process perhaps amounts to ‘skipping every other one, for now.’ I don’t know if I will play them all but I will try. I have a preference to start with some of the games playable on-line since that’s just so simple to do. Anyway… Major puzzle spoilers in this post here.…
IF Comp 2009: Beta Tester
Beta test of posting in the new format? Well, also a game I played! By the way if you too want to experience the IF Comp games the place to download them is this page right here, or, you can play on-line. That’s what I did for this one, having been on my lunch break a…
On Moving One’s Blog
Wow! That was amazing! See that thing I just posted below, about gleaming or gleaning something or other, and how I wanted to use a spoiler tag on it, even though there are really no spoilers? It forced me to republish, reformat, and redo my entire blog! Something about Blogger moving on without me to…
IF Comp 2009: Gleaming the Verb
This is my first post reviewing Interactive Fiction competition submissions. If you have no interest in IF Comp stuff, you can skip over, since I’m going to also use jump-cuts to serve as spoiler space. Reviews of IF Comp games will generally have spoilers, so be advised before clicking on the jump. First Review is…
Interactive Fiction Comp
This post is a general state of intent – since I’ve been following the Interactive Fiction Competition for a few years now, I’ve decided to go ahead and write reviews for this year’s entries. I enjoy IF and someday I’d like to learn to write it myself… that is, as soon as I have a…
I recently returned from the Penny Arcade Expo! This is not an extended report, but I can link you instead to some photographs – here – PAX on my Flickr. I’m particularly fond of the Bioshock booth photo, and I have several more I need to upload. One anecdote relates to the photo that you…
Now Playing: Far Cry 2
Eyes focused, gun in hand, I carefully, strategically approach… the bus stop. No one there. I’m in luck! Had any other humans been present at the location of the bus, I would have been forced to slaughter them. The bus itself is driven by no one. The only purpose of a car in Africa is…
On Being a Late Adopter
I’ve decided to edit the title of this blog to give it slightly better focus. I think it suits the name of my parent web site fairly well. I notice that I tend to discuss games that have been “out” for a while rather than the latest, greatest thing. This is for a couple reasons…
Got any book recommendations?